
5 Stunning Ways the Travel and Tourism Industry Has Been Impacted by COVID-19

Covid-19 has made a tremendous impact on just about every industry in the world, but travel has been hit especially hard. There is so much uncertainty surrounding recovery.

When will we be able to travel? Where can we travel to? How is travel going to look now? Only time will tell the full extent of the differences, but there are some changes to the travel and tourism industry already taking place.

5 Ways Covid-19 Has Impacted the Travel and Tourism Industry

While it’s impossible to know exactly what travel will look like in the future, we can already see some major changes to the industry today. Here are 5 ways the Coronavirus has changed the tourism industry so far.

Dramatic Loss of Revenue

A report from the United Nations revealed that the travel and tourism industry lost at least 1.2 trillion dollars in the first 4 months of Covid-19 shutdowns. The industry stands to lose up to 3.3 trillion if things continue this way for a full year.

Increased Safety Measures

I doubt anyone would have predicted that you wouldn’t be able to get on a plane without someone taking your temperature in 2020, but that’s the case in some airports around the country.

Along with screening passengers for fever, many airlines in the U.S. are continuing to keep the middle seats open on their planes. You can see a list of which airlines are doing this here.

Halting of Cruises

Unlike the airlines, who have been able to continue with a dramatic decline in business, the cruise industry has all but completely shut down.

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For months, cruise ships were docked and while some have begun to sail in parts of the world, the U.S. ships won’t be able to set sail until at least November 2020.

Travel Industry Jobs Lost

The World Travel and Tourism Council estimates that as many as 197 million jobs could be lost in the travel industry due to Covid-19.

The aviation industry has taken a massive hit, explained in detail in this article. The hotel industry, tour companies, cruise lines, and restaurants have all felt the impact of this pandemic heavily.

A Shift to Local Destinations

There has been a predictable trend in travelers choosing destinations closer to home. People are still hesitant to take long plane rides and opting instead for quick road trips. 

Another reason people are sticking to nearby locals for their vacations this year is that most countries have shut down their borders to outside visitors. The U.S. passport that used to get citizens into most of the countries in the world is now pretty limited. 

Final Thoughts on Covid-19’s Impact

While the travel and tourism industry hasn’t escaped the Covid-19 pandemic unscathed, it will continue to adapt to the circumstances and survive to live another day.

If you’re anxiously awaiting that first big trip after spending months at home, keep up to date on changing travel trends here on AllNetArticles. We’ll keep you posted with important information to help you navigate this changing world.

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