
5 Web Design Tips That Will Make Your Website Take Off This 2021

Keep your text at a minimum. Pick a color scheme that matches your brand. Simplify your navigation.

We can go on and on telling you how you should and should not design your website, but we can only recommend so much. In reality, you may have your own opinion as to how your own website should look like because to some extent, web design can be very subjective and what looks nice to me may not necessarily look nice to your web visito

But since web design is one of the major factors that influence how people perceive your brand and your credibility, you probably sometimes wish there was a way to come up with a research-backed web design that does not only look nice but is also sure to work for your web visitors. This is where WordPress web design Brisbane can help you.

In this article from White Peak Digital are some tips that will surely boost your conversion rates and enhance your online presence. These tips are backed by research and are proven to work, so set your intuition aside and apply these ground rules to make your website as effective and as compelling as it should be.

Create readable content

It may sound easy to create content for your website, but it is not as easy as you think. Content creation is not just about creating content but creating content that your web visitors can easily absorb and digest. The readability of your content refers to how your website visitors understand the words and sentences on your website. The more readable your content is, the more likely your web visitors will keep reading—or at least skim-read—through it. Since the goal of your website is to convert your web visitors into customers, you have to make sure they take in all the information they need when they navigate your site. You cannot achieve that without readable content.

Use people in pictures

People generally love connecting with other people. And just as how they like doing it in real life, so do they on the web. That basically explains why many websites today use images of people to direct attention. This is also the reason why “About” pages have become a trend in recent years. Since incorporating pictures of people in their web designs, many websites have seen an increase in their conversions by up to 102.5 percent!

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An important tip though: If you are using people pictures on your website, just make sure that the people depicted in the photos are real people—could be you, your staff, or your customers. Using stock photos may seem like the easiest way out of this, but that will only negate the effect of the strategy. People want to connect with real people and they are smart enough to recognize generic photos. You wouldn’t want them to tune them out, would you?

Keep your website clutter-free

You cannot underestimate the value of applying the “theme of less” to your web design. You know, your web visitors do not appreciate visual complexity. That means the more complicated your design, the less likely they are to perceive your website as beautiful. To boost your chances of making your website look more likable, make sure that your website—most especially your homepage—preserves its minimalistic theme.  Remember that your homepage exists to communicate your core message as concisely and as instantly as possible. By keeping your website simple and clutter-free, you can be sure that your web visitors will be able to pick out the key words and understand your overall message just by quickly scanning your pages. Given these known behaviors, it is so much better to focus on how you are going to appeal to their emotions than increasing your word count.

Admit it, you have a short attention span when navigating websites, too. The less you have to read and click on, the easier it is for you to digest and evaluate content. So if you want your website to stay in the safe zone, make sure that all of its elements are simple yet straightforward enough to instantaneously tell your website visitors what you intend them to do.

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Ensure visual hierarchy

Have you ever heard about visual hierarchy in web design? If you haven’t, then most likely, you are not applying this important principle of design to your website. This principle has to do with arranging the elements on your website in a way that implies importance and influences the order in which your web visitors perceive what they see. By applying this principle, your website is able to display your content in a way that will effectively guide the attention of your website visitors to certain elements of your site which you want them to take in. It’s like leaving breadcrumbs on the floor so your readers cannot help but unconsciously follow the way you intend them to follow. Look at your website and see which elements draw the most attention on your homepage. Are those the elements that you want to highlight? If not, use color, contrast, and proper spacing to highlight the elements that you want to draw the most attention from your website visitors.

Streamline navigation

Your web visitors have their own unique way of going about your website, but a good web design is generally intuitive—meaning it caters its navigation to its web users in such a way that they don’t have to even think about how they are going to find their way around your website. Streamlining your navigation sounds like an easy feat, but it is not, primarily because it has a lot to do with how your entire website is organized. Is your sitemap organized? Do the important pieces of content get their own pages? What does your main menu feature? Which pieces of content get shoved to subpages? Do they deserve to be there? You need to answer these questions to ensure that everything on your website is in order. Unless you design your navigation in a way that makes it easy for your web visitors to browse through your website and find what they are looking for in an instant, you cannot expect your website to take off.

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