
8 Tips To Keep Veins Healthy and Strong

In our body, the vascular system consists of the veins, arteries and other blood vessels which help to deliver oxygen and nutrient rich blood to every cell in our body. Sometimes, the arteries and veins can become damaged over a period of time thereby hindering the blood flow and also increase the risk of chronic diseases. To keep your veins in top condition exercise regularly. You can include the following exercise routine which will help to promote the healthy flow of blood and also strong veins throughout your body.

  • Cardiovascular Exercise
  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Jogging
  • Swimming

The doctors at Karishma Vein Clinic Pune suggest that there are certain nutrients and foods which help to keep the veins and arteries strong and elastic.


This is very important for normal digestive function and balanced nutrition. Fiber helps to reduce the risk of disorders like high cholesterol, varicose veins which can affect the vascular system. By including fiber in your diet, unhealthy fats from the digestive system can be removed before they can be absorbed by your body. In fact excess blood cholesterol can also lead to fatty plaques in the blood vessels which will weaken the wall of the arteries. This will increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. A high fiber diet can help your maintain a healthy weight and also prevent varicose veins which will weaken the valves and walls of the vein.

Source: Include the following high fiber food items in your daily diet

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Wheat
  • Oatmeal
  • Barley
  • Brown Rice


These are plant pigments which are responsible for the colors of the vegetables and fruits.

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Source: Bioflavonoids are usually found in

    • Dark Leafy greens
    • Dark Berries
    • Garlic
    • Onions
    • Cranberries
    • Blueberries


  • Grape Seed

They help to relieve pain, aching and swelling caused due to varicose vein These nutrients have the unique feature of strengthening the valves and the wall of the blood vessels and help to reduce blood leakage thereby keep the vein health.

Vitamin C

This is a nutrient which is needed to manufacture the elastic fibers: collagen and elastin. The important function of these elastic fibers is:

  • They keep the walls of the veins and arteries flexible and strong.
  • They help the vascular walls to resist pressure and contract after dilating caused due to the blood flow.
  • They keep the valves of the vein from leaking
  • They help to repair and maintain arteries and veins

They help to prevent broken capillaries and also the appearance of superficial spider veins which appear under the skin.

Source: It is very important to consume fruits like

  • orange,
  • gooseberry
  • Grapefruits
  • Melons
  • Fortified Fruit Juice
  • Papaya

You can take Vitamin C supplements only after consulting your doctor and take the prescribed recommendation to keep your arteries and veins healthy and strong.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an important nutrient which helps to keep blood clotting proteins called platelets from sticking together. Deficiency of Vitamin E may lead to the formation of clots in the blood vessels. Diabetic patients are at higher risk of blood clots which can lead to heart disease and stroke. Thus, it is very important to take food items containing Vitamin E which will promote the health of the veins and arteries and lead to a healthy circulation of blood throughout the body.

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Source: Vitamin E can be found in the following food items

  • Eggs
  • Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Yams
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Wheat



Niacin or Vitamin B-3 is another important vitamin which helps to keep the veins healthy and strong as they help to balance blood cholesterol levels In our body, the vascular system consists of the vein, arteries and other blood vessels which help to deliver oxygen and nutrient rich blood to every cell in our body. Sometimes, the arteries and veins can become damaged over a period of time thereby hindering the blood flow and also increasing the risk of chronic diseases. To keep your veins in top condition exercise regularly. You can include the following exercise routine which will help to promote healthy flow of blood and also strong veins throughout your body.

Source: If you have high cholesterol you can include the following food items in your diet

  • Beets
  • Fish
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Peanuts
  • Water

Drinking water is very important for our health. Take ample quantity of water to alleviate any conditions which can affect the veins.

Cut down your Salt Intake

It is advisable to avoid foods that have a high sodium content like, canned soups, sauces, frozen food, fast food, etc. as they cause the body to retain the fluid. This would cause damage to the veins.

These vascular tips will surely help to keep your heart hale and healthy and also maintain your overall health. It is ideal to include a diet that helps to keep your veins in perfect condition.

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