
Communications in the organization – Modern information technologies

The connecting processes in the organization are communications, and the main component of communications is information. Information in management is the subject of managerial work, which ensures the adoption of decisions. Therefore, in relation to the subject of labor, management technology is the totality and sequence of methods of working with information in the implementation of management functions.

For the subject of management, information is not only a subject of labor, but also a means (knowledge, experience) and a product of labor (managerial decision). Information is an important concept, which is regarded as a certain quality inherent in all material systems and reflecting the diversity of their properties or the degree of ordering of these properties.

Information support is one of the most important supporting functions, the quality of implementation of which is a determining factor in the validity of the decision and the effectiveness of the management system. In dynamics, information support as a process is included in the concept of communication. Communication is the exchange of information, on the basis of which management receives the information necessary for making effective decisions and communicates the decisions made to the employees of the company.

Information exists if three elements exist and interact: the source, the signal and the receiver.

What is the process?

When exchanging information, the sender and the recipient go through several interconnected steps. Their task is to compose a message and use the channel to transmit it in such a way that both parties understand and share the original idea. This is difficult, for each stage is at the same time a point at which the meaning can be distorted or completely lost. These steps can be described in the following sequence:

  • The origin of the idea;
  • Coding and channel selection;
  • Transmission;
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The exchange of information always begins with the formulation of an idea and the selection of information for the message, i.e. from the origin of the idea. The sender decides what kind of idea he wants to communicate to his addressee. Certain forms are given to the idea in the next step.

The sender encodes information using characters that are understandable to the recipient, i.e. gives it a certain shape. Such symbols can be verbal and non-verbal forms of communication, tangible and intangible media (words, intonations, gestures, graphic images, etc.). Thanks to coding, the idea turns into a message. Simultaneously with the encoding, the sender selects the communication channel corresponding to the type of symbols used for encoding and the purposes of communication. Such well-known and frequently used channels include mail, telephone, telefax, email, etc.

To perceive the information contained in the message, the recipient must decode it. Decoding is the translation of characters in a message to the recipient. If the characters used by the sender have the same meaning for the recipient, he will correctly understand the meaning of the message and the idea embedded in it.

Another important and effective way to communicate to your audience

Ever heard of Wikipedia page? Do you know how effective it is to boost the online recognition of a company or an organization? Well, Wikipedia itself is one of the largest encyclopedic platform. Moreover, it’s a platform where you can boost your communication skills and gain online recognition of your brand or company.

Creating a Wikipedia page about your company or brand in a non-promotional way is the key to achieve goal. However, writing a Wiki article is quite a complex task and requires a professional approach. Wikipedia Page Editing is required right after the article is completed.

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Information technology is changing our personal life and work every day. Today, management communications have changed beyond recognition. The rapid growth and development of technologies, including information, the formation of a new information society, globalization processes, the use of specialized devices for the exchange, transmission, storage and processing of information data have changed communications and managerial decisions in modern business.

However, technology change has become one of the main causes of the environmental uncertainty faced by organizations. But, despite certain difficulties, modern managers, thanks to technological progress, can coordinate the work of their employees in such a way as to help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their work.

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