
Detailed Information On General Awareness Section Of SSC CGL Exam

Do you know that the General Awareness section can help to fetch good marks? Toppers say that General Awareness is regarded as being one of the best high-scoring sections of the SSC CGL Exam. It’s time to speed up the preparation as SSC CGL Exam Dates are around the corner.

The motto of this GA section is focusing on testing candidates’ general awareness regarding the surrounding environment. As the name suggests that questions will be related to current affairs. Make sure that you have started your preparation prior to releasing the SSC CGL Admit Card so that you can stay free from unwanted stress.

Here, we are going to mention what topics you need to prepare for the SSC CGL Tier-1 exam coming under the General Awareness Section such as –

How To Prepare History – 

History is a vast area to study in. You need to prepare important topics such as “Harappa Civilization”. Do make short notes so that important names related to “Harappa Civilization” will remain in your head. Apart from it, you also need to learn about the Name of The Kings.

The history section also revolves around the Vedic Culture and Ancient Temples. Therefore, you need to collect information about them too. Do not forget to consider institutes such as Nalanda Chronology. According to toppers, this section also covers the topic related to India’s freedom movement as well as their leaders.

How To Prepare Geography – 

The next on the list is the geography section where you need to be a bit creative. This section revolves around India and its neighbouring countries. It will be great if you keep taking help from the map to understand in a better way. The geography section also covers famous seaports and airports and their locations.

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Do also prepare important notes regarding the significant institution of the world and India. Here, you also need to pay attention to the name of a place where these institutes are located such as the World Bank, RBI, IMF, BRICS, and so on.

How To Prepare Economy –

If you are good at the economy then you would not find any difficulties in preparing it. However, if you are not then you need to go with a sophisticated strategy. Do prepare short notes on different terminology of the budget including

  • National Income
  • Fiscal Deficit
  • GDP etc

Moreover, you need to go ahead with preparing notes on the five-year plan and its significance such as SEBI, RBI, and so on.

How To Prepare For Biology – 

To prepare for biology, do make short notes related to important inventions as well as their inventors. You should also add the importance as well as interesting fact including

  • Human Body Parts
  • Nutrition in Animals and Plants
  • Diseases and their causes

How To Prepare For Polity –

Politics is quite interesting if you are one of them who always keeps a close eye on current happening in India and states. You need to understand that

  • How the Supreme Court works,
  • What is the meaning of Write,
  • Understanding the working procedure of parliament and its fundamental duties,
  • What is all about the Presidential Election and its prominent functions?
  • What is all about the major constitutional amendments and their importance?
  • Official language and its significance
  • You also need to study emergency provisions including national political parties as well as their symbols.
  • Moreover, you need to pay attention to important constitution bodies such as CAG.
  • What is all about the Governor and its functions?
  • What is a state legislature?
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How To Do Preparation Of Chemistry – 

You need to prepare chapters for the chemical properties of substances and their uses. Do work on understanding SI units including the name of chemical names of important substances called Plaster of Paris etc. Chemical Change and Physical Change is also considered one of the most important topics to cover. The next thing to cover is Surface Chemistry. Apart from it, chemistry in Everyday Life is also needed to be well prepared.

How To Cover Physics – 

Physics is a bit tricky but it brings a lot of information indeed. Here, you will be needed to work on important topics such as Motion, Sound, Light, Energy, Electricity, Wave, and so on.

What To Cover Under Computer – 

This is one of the basic subjects that can help to grab a great score. It is all about the development of computers, which includes Input and Output devices and Memory too.

How To Do Miscellaneous – 

Have you been wondering Miscellaneous? It is all about the “Population Census” since it is one of the important topics indeed. Apart from it, you will be needed to consider important books and their writers. Do also prepare notes for first sports achievement for India as well as world such as

  • First Asian Game,
  • Olympic,
  • Awards and their significance,
  • state animals and
  • symbols and so on.
  • Do also cover the name of the scientist and Nobel prize.

In The Last – 

Hope the shared information helped you a lot to understand how you need to prepare for it.

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