
Here’s the Ultimate Guide for Every Pool Owner

Are you thinking of getting a pool? Or, do you have one already, but don’t know how to maintain it? This is the perfect guide for you. Here, we’ll show you the expected costs for building and maintaining a pool. If you already own a pool and are doing just fine, read on because we have some tips for you at the end of this guide.

What kind of pool is right for you?

Above-ground vs. in-ground pools

Above-ground pools are more affordable than in-ground pools and can be installed in little time. You can also pack up above-ground pools and take them with you when you’re ready to change residence.

In-ground pools, on the other hand, tend to raise the value of your home. Because they are a permanent component, you can charge more for the property. In-ground pools also give you more flexibility —  you can throw parties, practice swimming and diving, and even install multiple features.

Indoor or outdoor pools?

If you have enough room in your home, you can choose to get an indoor pool. They tend to take up a lot of space, and you may not fit one in your house unless you made provisions during construction. But then, if you have enough square footage, indoor pools are a significant home upgrade. You can use them all year-round without worrying about the cold of winter. They also offer more privacy than outdoor pools.

Install an outdoor pool if you live in a state with plenty of sun all year-round. These are also a great option if you’re unwilling to invest in dehumidifiers; indoor pools tend to release moisture into the air. Finally, outdoor pools allow you to enjoy other activities like sunbathing while swimming.

How much will the pool cost?

The choice may eventually come down to your financial situation. The pool’s cost depends on factors like the size, depth, materials used, and the professionals hired. If you want extra features like heaters, pool covers, ladders, and diving platforms, you’ll have to pay extra.

Above-ground and outdoor pools are also more affordable than in-ground and indoor pools. You can expect to spend about $16,000 on an outdoor above-ground pool and $35,000 for an in-ground, indoor pool. Visit Titan Aquatic Exhibits ( to use a pool cost calculator, and get a tailored quote.

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How much maintenance does a pool need?

When preparing a budget for your pool, don’t stop at installation costs. Some pools can be costly to maintain, and you need to be ready before you ever call the installation company.

As always, maintenance costs vary depending on the kind of pool you own and how often you use it. But then, pool maintenance can cost between $960 and $5,000 annually. That seems like an arbitrary number, so let’s break it down.

A first-time cleaning service may set you back between $150 to $350. With regular cleaning, you’ll pay less per session. Pool heating, repairs, chemicals, and water will cost about $3,000 annually. Smaller pools that are used less frequently will cost less.

How much maintenance can you do on your own?

If you think these estimates are too high, don’t worry, you can do some pool maintenance yourself and cut down the costs. If it’s a family pool, you can also recruit help and get things done even faster. You should know that it’s better to hire professional help for these things.

Simple cleaning

This includes skimming the face of the water with a skimmer as often as possible. If you have a pool cover, you’ll need to do this less often.

Moderate cleaning

Moderate cleaning involves vacuuming and brushing the walls and floors of the pool. It would be best if you did this once a week to prevent algae build-up and loosen the dirt on the walls. Vacuuming can be done with a simple handheld automatic pool vacuum.

Water maintenance

This is where you really need professional input. Steps in this category include monitoring the pH, keeping the water level constant, cleaning and changing filters, and searching for leaks.

Test your pool’s pH once a week and make up for the alkalinity deficits. You can do this with any pool maintenance kit. Maintaining the water level and checking of leaks can be done together. Pools lose an average of ¼” of water every day. A water-level reader with an attached hose can simplify this task for you.

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Unfortunately, you’ll have to inspect your water filters manually. Wash the cartridge filters and DE filters whenever they seem clogged. It’s also a good idea to do a backwash every other week for proper filter function.

What other modifications do you need?

Owning a pool changes many things for you and your family. You may have difficulty keeping your kids out for the first few months. Depending on their age, it may be a good idea to install pool covers and a gate. This can reduce your chances of an accident by a significant margin.

It may also help to lecture your kids on the importance of having an adult present when they swim. This means resigning to lifeguard duty, however often your kids want to swim.

Finally, talk to your insurance provider about the new pool. Some home policies automatically cover upgrades like a pool, especially if it’s an in-ground pool. However, that may mean higher premiums or new terms. When insured, your pool will most likely be covered against damage from fire, hail, and vandalism.

What else do you need to know?

You’re pretty much ready to own a pool. However, before you call a contractor, here are some final tips.

Some features are required by law.

If you live in California, there are strict pool policies you need to abide by. Firstly, you must have a 3-sided pool fence as a safety measure. You’re also required to have any two of the following features:

  • Safety pool covers
  • Mesh fence separating the pool from the rest of the property
  • Gate alarms
  • Door with a latching system

You can take out a pool loan.

These are mostly offered by banks and credit unions, but you may also get one from your pool service company. Pool loans can help you complete the installation costs by a few hundred dollars, or pay for your extra features.

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