
How to Choose The Best Smartphone in 2021

Smartphones are no longer expensive toys. Now, these are gadgets that can improve your life. In addition, there is a huge range of tasks that you cannot do without a good device. But how to choose the best smartphone in 2021? Here is a list of criteria that are especially important to you.

Which Camera Should I Choose?

Modern marketers have done a good job of getting people to choose phone cameras based on megapixels. But do you need a 100 Mp device if the photo quality is comparable to 16 Mp? A pixel is a separate square that appears as a point due to its small size. If you enlarge an image on the display screen, you will see it as a “grid” of pixels. The more pixels, the better the image. But why shouldn’t you buy smartphones with a 100-megapixel camera then?

The size of the pixels is important, not their number. The larger the pixel, the more photons it absorbs during the exposure of the frame. Therefore, a sensor with larger pixels will show fewer artifacts. Cameras under the same conditions with an equal number of megapixels but different pixel sizes greatly differ in photo quality. Read more reviews to learn about smartphone cameras. Also, it would help if you looked for F2.0 or even F1.8 camera lenses as they will handle different lighting conditions.

How Big Should My Storage Be?

Just ten years ago, an average smartphone could have about 2-4 Gb, and users had enough space to store photos, video, and music. But now, the standards have changed somewhat. Did you know that one photo can weigh about 50-80 MB? So this is why you should buy smartphones with 64GB storage and above. It is best if your device has a micro-SD slot for memory cards.

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However, there are models of smartphones with 512 GB and higher, so the choice is yours. But get ready for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time looking for the perfect gadget. If you are a student, you should find someone and say something like, “Do my homework for me, please.” Then you will have more time surfing the web and searching for smartphones.

SoC and Ram

SoC, or system-on-a-chip, is the heart of any smartphone. If you have enough money, you should look for Qualcomm Snapdragon SoCs or Apple A-series chips. The rest of the options should only be considered if you have a small budget and need to save money. Well, your smartphone should have at least four cores.

Plus, it would help if you didn’t forget about RAM. If you are going to buy an iPhone, then 3GB is enough for you. But if you want an Android device, then take a look at smartphones with 6GB of RAM. Such gigabytes will be enough for games, web surfing, and comfortable use in other situations. Please take a look at video reviews of smartphones you like to gauge their performance. But you have to spend at least a couple of hours. If you are a student, you should read the OxEssays reviews to know about companies you shouldn’t trust.

iPhone or Android?

This choice is quite difficult due to some differences. Apple smartphones are considered more trendy and allow you to create an ecosystem of smart gadgets. In addition, iOS is a highly secure operating system with several simplifications for casual users. At the same time, Android devices provide the freedom to tune and customize your OS.

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But it would be best to understand that there are too many vendors, and some devices will not receive critical updates a year after release. Key differences lie in the interface and general principles of content management. So this is why you should look at direct comparisons for the final selection.

  • Design Matters

Many vendors like Samsung and Apple use aluminum, tempered glass, and other materials to create smartphones. Appearance is an important criterion for many, so you should pay attention to those aspects you like. At the same time, you should understand that the front panel of most smartphones is the same, and the back will be hidden thanks to the case. Are you ready to accept that your $1000 smartphone will look like a cheap device?

  • Display

Most modern smartphones have IPS and OLED screens. The first option is interesting due to the more natural color reproduction. But blacks and some mid-tones look a little worse than on OLED screens. The advantage of the second option is a deep and rich black color. But one of the nuances of OLED screens is very saturated or even “acidic” colors as if someone had set the contrast to maximum. Another important parameter is the screen frequency. Choose between 90 and 120 hertz, as this parameter is responsible for the smoothness of scrolling and displaying content.

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