
Stop the Roam for Home

The history of home loans in India doesn’t date back to any vintage times. It’s newer than what we expect it to be. HDFC was the sole home loan provider in the 1970s. People were generally willing to save money and then buy a home. But as one person steps up, the rest follow. The first home loan was taken in 1978, and since then, home loans have all gotten easier and better.

With the new year approaching within the numbered days, new things should be adapted. This 2021, get a roof over your head without putting in extra. The heart is where the Home is. In these testing times, home finance is a great deal to think of. Home loan interest rates are predicted to remain normal for the year 2021. With that in the picture, one should think of getting a new home through a home loan soon. Surely, the majority of people wish to get their own house. Home loan rates have been quite inconsistent over the last few years. 2021 is a year to look forward to in many ways. Getting your bucket list ticked off might be difficult in case you’re willing to travel but buying a home will surely be easier. Housing loan interest rates can make or break a deal as the employment sector has highly been affected; nevertheless, getting a roof over your head in 2021 can be a success story.

With that in mind, let’s have a quick look at the benefits of getting a home loan:

Income tax deduction:

There are certain provisions provided by not paying tax on the interest paid for home loans. This also involves the interest rate paid on home loans in the pre-construction period. There’s also some deduction in cases of joint home loans.

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Long time for Repayment:

A home loan is the one that is provided with the highest time for repayment. As long as a time of 30 years is granted to repay the loan. This reduced the burden on regular EMI’s as well, making it easier for the person to pay back.

Rent Payment issues:

In metropolitan cities, no one is unaware of the soaring high rents for small apartments. Instead of paying such an amount and still no roof to call your own, it’s better to pay monthly EMI’s which are smaller in amount, and also provide a house in your name with the loan against property schemes that can also be used.

Rising Prices of Property:

With the advancement in times, the rates of Property in urban areas have reached a peak and how. In such cases, people generally consider investing in properties. This can yield a better result in so many aspects, especially with the property rates going up. A mortgage loan will definitely prove to be advantageous.


All the financial things aside, every poor and rich person aims to live in a better place, a place that is Home. So it’s one thing to live under your parents’ roof and a completely different thing to live in a house that’s made with the pillars of your finances. It brings in the sense of pride and achievement to own a place.

The above mentioned are the subtle benefits that come from Home Loan. It’s really important to have a particular bank or company to get the best deals in the best interest rates for home loans. And ApnaPaisa from Andromeda is the best that I came across. This is due to the following reasons:

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Great Network of Banks:

The team has a great network with banks, and that makes it give out ample plans and opportunities to look for the right kind of deal. They have good connections that enable them to be the best for loan consultancy.


Not only do they have open reviews on the website, but also the kind of skilled team they possess speaks for the work. There is completely unbiased advice provided by talented people working together to make a deal efficient for us.

Wider Coverage:

With operating in 68 countries, above a million happy customers, and an experience of more than 2 decades, the team has managed to become the best of all. The application for a loan is also free.

So anytime you think of home loans, think of Andromeda’s ApnaPaisa to have the best deal possible.

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