
The Benefits of Peppermint Oil for Hair Growth

Peppermint oil is a mixture of water mint and spearmint. This valuable plant is cultivated from Europe to the Middle East and spreading its cultivation all over the world. Peppermint oil is full of the high amount of concentrated natural pesticide mainly known as pulegone and Mentone. Researchers believe that peppermint oil is quite useful for various reasons starting from boosting the memory power to using it in aromatherapy. However, besides all these uses, one of the most significant uses of peppermint oil is utilizing it for hair growth. In this post, we would discuss the most efficient ways to use Peppermint oil for hair growth.

Advantages of Peppermint Oil for Hair

  1. It Promotes Hair Growth: Peppermint oil has fascinating properties. It goes deep into the scalp and stimulates the little follicles of hair. It helps to boost the blood circulation in the scalp, which helps in stimulating hair growth.
  2. It Helps In Making the Roots Strong:Peppermint oil is full of pulegone and Mentone which helps in making the hair roots strong that ultimately helps in fighting hair loss. The peppermint oil can be applied directly on the scalp, or it can be applied with the help of a cotton ball. Due to its thick consistency, it can also be combined with coconut oil and then can be applied over the scalp.
  3. It Helps In Killing the Lice:The fragrance of peppermint is actually quite refreshing and fantastic, which is generally used to revitalize dull brains and enhance the brain functioning of humans. Furthermore, this scent begins suffocating the tics and lice in your head and they die ultimately. Applying peppermint oil can make a hostile condition for tics and lice to stay on the scalp, thus they are killed eventually.
  4. It Helps In Preventing Hair Fall: Besides increasing and strengthening the hair follicles and promoting hair growth, it even helps in fighting the severe problem of hair fall. You can give scalp massage with peppermint oil and let it be on the scalp for at least 24 hours. Peppermint oil delivers vital nutrients and proteins that are important for hair growth.
  5. It Helps In Treating Scalp Infection: Besides nutrients and proteins, peppermint oil even has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial property which helps in the treatment of scalp infection. You can simply apply some peppermint oil on your scalp with the help of cotton balls and leave them for 24 hours into the scalp. Applying peppermint oil every alternate day can help in getting rid of the scalp infections.
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Ways of using peppermint oil

Peppermint oil and Aloe Vera Gel

One of the best remedies to use peppermint oil for hair re-growth is mixing it with aloe Vera gel.

Procedure: You need two fresh aloe Vera plant strands. Carefully scoop out the gel substance from it and mash the gel with the help of folk. Now add 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil to the Aloe Vera gel and apply it on the scalp. Let the mixture stay on the scalp for 30 minutes, and then you can rinse it off.  However, it is advisable not to use shampoo for that particular day, as aloe Vera as expected makes your hair smooth and peppermint oil requires little time to penetrate into the scalp. Apply this mixture three times a week and continue doing this for two months to see the difference.

Peppermint oil with Castor oil

You can even mix peppermint oil with castor oil for some amazing results.

Procedure: Mix an equal amount of peppermint oil with castor oil. It helps in treating scalp infections and even enhances hair growth. Castor oil incorporates healing and rejuvenating properties, which helps to re-invigorate the scalp and promotes hair growth.

Peppermint oil and Olive oil

Olive oil with peppermint oil can help in naturally conditioning the hair and even boost hair growth.

Procedure: Mix 3 teaspoon of olive oil with 3 teaspoons of peppermint oil. Apply this mixture on the scalp and massage thoroughly. Rubbing this mixture over the scalp will help in treating the problem of split ends. Wait for 20 minutes and then rinse your hair with shampoo.

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Peppermint oil and Coconut oil

If you wish to get rid of hair fall, just follow a simple recipe using peppermint oil.

Procedure: Take 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of castor oil and 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil. Mix them together and add vitamin E oil as it helps in strengthening the hair. Massage your scalp thoroughly with this mixture and do it twice a week for a month.

Peppermint oil and Almond oil

For hair growth and boosting the volume of hair you just have to follow a simple recipe.

Procedure: Add 2 teaspoons of coconut oil to 1 spoon of peppermint oil. Now add the mixture of both the oils with 6 teaspoons of almond oil and massage the scalp using this solution. Make sure while applying the oil part the hair and then apply the oil on the scalp so the oil can easily penetrate into the scalp.

Peppermint Oil For Hair Growth

To fight the problem of dandruff along with hair fall, you can use peppermint oil in different ways.

Procedure: Add 4 drops of peppermint oil to 8 ounces of water and mix them well. Now take a cotton ball and apply it on the scalp. The oil can be applied with the help of a toothbrush.

In a nutshell

You will definitely be stunned after using peppermint oil on the scalp for hair re-growth. After going through this post, you may think why peppermint oil is diluted in every step and why it can’t be used directly over the scalp. The answer to this is applying concentrated peppermint oil can heat your scalp and also cause itching, if it does not suites the scalp. So, it is always preferred to dilute it with any oil or water.

Author Bio:

Abigail Kent is an enthusiastic writer who loves to write on lifestyle, fashion, money-saving, and travel blogs. She’s currently writing for an online blog DiscountCodez, a money-saving blog. She holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Abigail loves reading books and making new friends.

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