
Top Technology Trends Redefining the Industries in 2020

What our tech professionals are gearing up in 2020? Which technologies are ruling in the industries this year? Do you also have such questions in mind? If Yes, then you are on the right page. You will find out all your answers in this article.

Industries are experiencing the constant bombardment of the technologies. They are doubtful about whether they should opt these transformations or not. Their concern is right as every technology has its perspective and impacts that differ from industry to industry. 

In the recent stats, IT pros have made the list of technologies that will rule this year. The list includes 5G, artificial intelligence, IoT and more. All these clearly state that there is a brighter future ahead with these technologies.

With this article, I want to shed light on the top technology trends of 2020 and their crucial importance in the industries.  It will help the business professionals in choosing the right technology for their business and also get to know about the other tech trends prevailing in the market.

So, dive in the top technological trends 2020 and see how it’s redefining the industries. Let’s go.

5G Technology- Business Boon

The term ‘5G’ is creating a buzz for almost a decade now, and since it’s launch. It very much sounds like its predecessors that have brought a type of revolution. The arrival of 5G is one of the most enigmatic new upcoming technologies that will bring an impact on businesses this year.

Many experts are considering 5G as future communication communications, and to a great extent, it’s cent per cent right.

“5G wireless networks will support 1,000-fold gains in capacity, connections for at least 100 billion devices and a 10 Gb/s individual user experience capable of extremely low latency and response times. Deployment of these networks will emerge between 2020 and 2030” as sated by Huawei in its 5G A Technology Vision.

The most impressive feat of 5G will be its speed that’s expected clock at 20 GB/s. Let’s get it well from an example. Suppose you want to download 5GB DVD (approx) contents at an average 50MB/s. The estimated download time will be about 13 minutes. Whereas the same will take hardly 2 seconds to download with 5G speed. 

Some noteworthy 5G technology goals include:

  • Amplified broadband for mobile communication.
  • Object-specific transformation with enhanced connectivity. 
  • IoT enhancement with an unlimited scope
  • Increased flexibility & support

The onset of 5G brings up a massive playground where subsequent technologies will get vantage. Trends like smart cities, smart cities and more back the foundation for ‘what’s next in technology’.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is not just technology; it’s equivalent to the software-ubiquitous, unseen, and capable of changing business nature and society. The developers are already embedding into many systems and applications in both the transparent and transformational way.

The usage is gaining momentum day by day. Be it for dealing with the customers, employees, suppliers, machines and more in the business aspects.

Most medium-sized and large businesses are already utilising AI-enhanced sales and marketing business systems. Decision making and processing massive data become a piece of pie with pie. All of this indirectly fosters business growth.

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Everywhere you find, AI has unmanned the services. For instance,  Flippy the robot hamburger chef to Bingo Box and  Amazon Go, the cashier-less supermarket, both have made the operations fully robotic.

Therefore, it’s evident that AI can perform all sorts of tasks with optimum efficiency. Even its role is beyond the decision making and analysis process. The traditional tools in practice today will soon become burdensome due to their arcane methods, sophisticated methods and sluggish workflow. 

In 2020, AI role becomes more prominent in the industries as its little interference in the analyzing tools make them more user-friendly, accurate, faster and cost-efficient to use. We should understand that AI is an undeniable revolution with significant emerging opportunities.

Well, it’s not a time to understand AI as now it’s an absolute need of every industry. Business managers should give space in their business and experience its great perks.

Adopting new technologies and utilizing its great use make the businesspersons the winner of this fantastic transformation. Thus, catching up with AI in 2020 will render the best possible results.

AI transformations that we can expect in 2020.

  • Machine Learning will come in mainstream
  • AI-enabled Cybersecurity
  • More Personalization in Real-Time
  • Enhanced Deployment of Facial Recognition

Therefore, artificial and machine learning solutions will bring significant changes in the coming years that will transform many industries.

Internet of Things

Our easy and brisk life is deeply entrenched with the internet. And its ecosystem is not just limited to mobile devices and computers. With the inception of the Internet of Things (IoT), devices have become more efficient and smart. In short, IoT is a system of interrelated devices used for data transfer over a network with no human effort. 

IoT is advancing every day with better ideas due to new advancements in the technologies and concepts such as smart homes, sensors, thermostats and more.  Even product monitoring and tracking are now necessary for security and comfort. 

Perhaps, it will be ideal to say that hiring IoT mobile app developers in India can meet your requirements and even prove a profitable deal in 2020. According to the recent mobile app development stats, 48 percent of users access the internet through their mobile phones.

With this constant technological evolutions, we will witness the expected IoT augmentations this year. Let’s take a closer look.

  1. Aiding the rise of smart cities to make our lives easier and comfortable. As per the recent research, the annual IT market for smart cities will reach 34 billion.
  1. Adoption of IoT in healthcare industries and its usage is not limited to the patients. Physicians, insurance companies and hospitals are also leveraging its advantages.
  1. The various advancements knocking the doors of manufacturing industries will transform their operations. Additionally, it will oversee stocks and save time.
  1. Many retailers are jumping into the IoT platform to improve customer experience, reduce costs, drive growth and enhance overall performance.
  1. Automobile industries are bound to come in the IoT field to strengthen the evolution of driverless cars. Well, 5G will also play a significant role here; it will connect IoT devices faster for data analysis and other crucial insights.   
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Therefore, IoT and its significant innovations back the foundation of a new technological decade.

Serverless Computing

Serverless computing is one of the exciting technological innovations of the 21st century. It’s eliminating the old barriers and allowing the industries to expand and explore new frontiers. Its high offerings are coupled with the highly promising opportunities, making it a must-have technology in any organization. 

Gartner estimates 20 percent of industries in 2020 will go serverless. This technological shift initiates the businesses to work more accurately with the utmost proficiency.

Servers are a vital part of a computing architecture for decades. Though, after the introduction of the cloud, there is a predominant move to the web-based server infrastructure, and the serverless architecture migration has begun.

Serverless computing is considered as abstract and virtual server support; it has made the computing landscape more robust, intuitive and dynamic. But its advancement is still in its nascent stage. In the next few years, we are expecting more developments and transformations in this field.

Now, let’s take a look at some serverless trends you should keep an eye out for in 2020 that paves the way into the future. 

  1. Reduce the organization’s capital expenditure
  2. Shortens the standard release cycle significantly due to microservices and nano-services
  3. Kubernetes will become the base of serverless infrastructure
  4. Stateful applications will use the serverless computing
  5. FaaS market size will increases
  6. Allows smooth completion of ELT tasks and cron-type jobs 
  7. Promotes deployer autonomy & encourages the adoption of new mindsets

Medical upgrade- the rise of 3D printing

The technical scope of serverless is yet unexplored. The new and high-potential developments such as FaaS and GitOps are still at their initial stage. Business can expect massive benefits from it, and the reason being that many tech professionals are adopting it at a fast pace.

The much anticipated 2020 tech trends will be the medical upgrades  where 3D printing technology will open a new business door of advanced prosthetics. Many universities are researching 3D printing of bionic body parts.

Scientists at Princeton University, New Jersey have developed a 3D “bionic ear” that can hear the radio frequencies far beyond the range of standard human capability.

Similarly, the telemedicine and virtual diagnosis powered with AI and AR require the industries to rework their business model in medicine.

The way forward

After knowing the above key business technology trends of 2020, we stand out is convergence and interoperability. Many IT outsourcing companies in India, addressing these technologies holistically in their projects as it will pave a winning path in this new decade.

So, go ahead with these trends and grow your business from all the leaps and bounds. 

Till Then Stay Safe, Stay Updated With Our Posts.

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