Animals & Pets

What Are The Best Vitamin C Sources For Dogs?

Vitamin C is a vital organic compound that is necessary for maintaining a healthy life for your dog.

Even though vitamin C is naturally produced by your dog’s body, it is always great to give them a bit extra since it can benefit their health and immune system.

What is Vitamin C and Why it is Important for Dogs?

Vitamin C is a natural nutrient found in your dog’s body and it does not only provide the necessary nutrients to improve muscles functionality, collagen, and cartilage but also works as an antioxidant to protect the body from free radicals.

Free radicals are molecules that can be found in the body with negative characteristics that are potentially harmful and can cause damage to DNA codes, which results in health problems down the line.

Since Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, it doesn’t require fat cells for storage or absorption. Instead, it dissolves in water and can be easily absorbed by cells in the body.

Vitamin C comes with many benefits for your dog, but unlike humans, dogs don’t require a Vitamin C boost in order to reach their daily dose. As we mentioned, dogs produce vitamin C on their own and they use raw ingredients from their diet to synthesize vitamin C in their liver.

Benefits of Vitamin C for Dogs

Vitamin C provides many health benefits for dogs. Since it is an antioxidant, it can boost your dog’s immune system, as well as, decrease inflammation and cognitive aging. Since Vitamin C is naturally produced in your dog’s body, there isn’t clear research about the amount of extra Vitamin C you should give your dog.

Most veterinarians would agree that adding some extra Vitamin C to their diet can provide many benefits for your dog.

Vitamin C is great for stressed or sick dogs, as the vitamin helps the dog to repair the process and store up some reserves. Vitamin C is great for dogs with high metabolism, and it is also great for dogs with liver disease, hip dysplasia, or distemper.

How to Know if your Dog Needs Vitamin C?

What happens if your dog is running low on Vitamin C reserves? The common phrase is known as a vitamin C deficiency, and it usually results due to liver or metabolism problems, or stress.

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Here are some indicators that might suggest symptoms of vitamin C deficiency:

  • Weakness in muscles and bones
  • Bleeding
  • Immune problems (trouble healing wounds)
  • Bad breath
  • Joint pain

Vitamin C Sources For Dogs

Fortunately, there are plenty of healthy super-foods and supplements that can give your dog the amount of vitamin C it needs for living a healthy life. In today’s article, we will focus on natural food that is rich in vitamin C that is perfect for your dog as a treat.


The rich nutrient blend of cranberries makes them the ultimate power snack that provides the essential vitamin boost for a healthy life. Cranberries are rich in vitamin C which is crucial for their immune system, improves wound healing, and supports your dog’s muscles and bones.

Some of the health benefits of cranberries go beyond what you can imagine. They also have anti-cancer properties that slow down tumor spread and increases cancer cell death. Additionally, they are great for improving gut and immune health by removing unwanted bacteria from your dog’s body.

Visit Spot & Tango blog to find out if cranberries are safe for dogs here.


Here we have another superfood that can act as a healthy treat and come with many health benefits. First of all, carrots are rich in vitamin C and will give them the necessary boost in vitamin they need.

On top of that, carrots are also high in fiber and beta-carotene, which produces vitamin A. The best thing about carrots is that they contain all the helpful nutrients, without having too many calories. In other words, you should be able to give your dog carrot treats without worrying about diet balance.

And last but not least, carrots are great for your dog’s teeth and a fun way to enjoy a treat.


Blueberries are commonly known as the superfood with the highest antioxidant qualities. They are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and phytochemicals, making them the perfect alternative to store-bought treats.

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They have many health benefits for dogs, such as preventing cell damage and boosting their immune system.


Oranges are perfectly safe for your dog, in fact, they are packed with vitamin C that will give your dog the reserves for days to come. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.

Even though oranges are safe for dogs, most dogs are not fans of the strong citrusy smell of oranges which is why they don’t like them. However, if your dog likes eating them, it will be the perfect snack for an immune boost. Just make sure to remove the peel since it can be hard on their digestive system.


Broccoli is safe for dogs to eat in small quantities and a fun way to chew down on a treat. They are high in fiber and low in fat which makes them perfect for in-between meals. On top of that, broccoli is rich in vitamin C and superfood that is has all the nutrient characteristics for improving your dog’s health.

However, broccoli contains isothiocyanates, which can cause mild to severe gastric irritation for some dogs. That’s why it should be only served as an occasional treat and not included in their main diet.


Here we have another super-food that is rich in antioxidants and perfect for your dog as a treat in moderation. Their low sugar characteristics make them perfect for older dogs and they are packed with vitamin C, fiber, and manganese.

Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, raspberries are great for senior dogs that need all the help with aging joints. With that said, raspberries contain small amounts of xylitol that might have negative effects on your dog.  That’s why you need to make sure you limit the number of raspberries and always use them as an occasional treat, not included in their everyday diet.

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