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When Will Dogecoin Reach $1?

Dogecoin (dojcoin, DOGE) is a relatively young cryptocurrency that entered the market in December 2013.Currently; Dogecoin is in the top of the most popular cryptocurrencies and is about 20th in terms of capitalization. This cryptocurrency is in high demand in the West, it is often used when collecting funds for charitable needs. An example is Jamaica, where $ 50,000 was raised in this cryptocurrency for the participation of the bobsled team at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.

What are the ways to exchange Dogecoin? 

It will not be difficult to exchange this cryptocurrency. For exchange, you can use specialized exchanges. Let’s consider the most reliable ones.

The Livecoin exchange is one of the largest Russian-language resources where you can enter, withdraw and exchange cryptocurrencies. To use the resource, a prerequisite is opening an account on the official website of the Livecoin exchange. If it is necessary to conduct any of the operations with dojcoin, then the receipt of currency will occur immediately after the first confirmation from the user. After that, it will be possible to independently choose operations with the dojcoin cryptocurrency.

Poloniex. On this online exchange with a multi-layered powerful security system, you can carry out transactions with dogecoin, and with a minimum commission. Currency exchange takes place almost instantly and automatically. Any user can use this exchange.

How you can earn Dogecoin 

It is very easy to make money by mining cryptocurrency. To start earning, select one of the pools, then you need to download and install a special program on the device from the site. After that, we just run the program when you turn on the computer. This program will automatically collect dogecoin cryptocurrency absolutely free of charge.

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The most popular way to earn this cryptocurrency, like other digital currencies, is the so-called faucets. The process consists in watering captcha and then collecting dojcoins after a certain time.

Benefits of mining:

  • The mining process is absolutely free;
  • availability;
  • you can easily convert through the exchanges listed above;
  • growing number of cranes.

Dogecoin Wallet  

For convenience, you can use the Dogecoin Wallet. With Dogecoin Wallet, you can make a payment through a QR code scanner in a few seconds. Dodgecoin wallet is a reliable option for storing and conducting various financial transactions.

Application capabilities:

  • Fully decentralized application without the need for registration;
  • simple conversion;
  • availability of notifications;
  • receiving dojcoin or currency transfer via QR-code or dojcoin URL;
  • availability of a convenient address book;
  • you can carry out the operation via bluetooth;
  • you can install a widget on your device to control the balance.

Prospects for the Dogecoin cryptocurrency 

The dogecoin cryptocurrency was once developed as a joke. Palmer literally came up with it in a week and chose Doge as a symbol – the name of a meme with a funny Shiba Inu dog. Despite its large capitalization, it has remained a joke.

The main disadvantages of this cryptocurrency are a huge number of coins, the constant production of which does not allow the rate to rise, and a complete routine. The coin essentially repeats the same Litecoin and does not have any of its original “chips”.

At the moment, there is a growth in dogecoin (like other altcoins) only due to the fact that the bitcoin network is still unable to resolve the issue with huge fees and freezing transactions, but it is hard to make dogecoin price prediction 2030.

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