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Why Your E-Commerce Business in New York Needs SEO Help Now More Than Ever

COVID-19 has shaken up the world as we knew it. It has quickly become one of the biggest challenges we’ve had to face in the last century and will continue to be one until the threat of the virus subsides.

As governments struggle to find a solution to curb the spread of the coronavirus, the world finds itself at a standstill, including New York.

Brick and mortar stores are shut down, with the exception of essential businesses, and companies are still struggling to find a balance while communicating with their employees that are working from home in New York.

With New York as ground zero for the coronavirus, experts posit that the outbreak might drive the United States into a recession. This begs the question about whether e-commerce businesses in New York should shut down, and if they don’t, then how should they increase brand visibility, boost sales revenue, and drive up customer outreach while everyone’s holed up indoors?

If you’re an e-commerce business owner in New York and want to avoid business closure and customer attrition during these testing times, here’s how you can stay afloat with the help of SEO services in New York

To shut down or to keep going?

Here are a few reasons why shutting down may not be the right call for your e-commerce business in New York.

Scarcity and shortage drives e-commerce sales

It’s hard to forget the kind of frenzy that the U.S. witnessed over toilet paper when the news of the corona virus entering the country broke. While some have called it greed, marketers and business owners know that when things run short, there’s a surge in its demand.

Even when the pandemic is over, the demand for things won’t return to normal right away, and the USA will experience an economic phase where the demand for some products and services outstrips its supply. In times like these, if you play your cards right by optimizing your e-commerce website, you’ll witness an increase in your sales.

The competition has never been lower

Economies are still grappling with the impact of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown. With businesses experiencing a contraction in their operations, marketing has become the least of their concerns. After all, why would any business in New York invest in something that doesn’t yield immediate results now more than ever?

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With most e-commerce businesses not focusing on digital marketing right now, you must think long-term. Remember that even though we don’t have a clue about how long the pandemic will last, we must prepare for what comes after so that we can control our circumstances better. For business in New York, this means diverting their time and investment in SEO so they can ensure that they appear at the top of search engine lists when the demand for non-essential items spikes.

Weathering the storm with SEO in New York

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the economic world for years to come, but we must strive to cushion the blow as much as possible. That means acting proactively today with the help of SEO services in New York, so your e-commerce business can reap the benefits of it tomorrow.

Statistics show that 63 percent of marketers say that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is now more important than ever. Here’s why.

It offers long-term gains

Since the global corona virus outbreak has confined people within their homes, internet traffic has gone up by 50 percent. As an e-commerce business, you must make the most of this situation with the help of SEO.

While most conventional methods of marketing have a short shelf-life, the same can’t be said about SEO as it continues to reap benefits even months and years down the line. For instance, the content you create for your e-commerce website today will continue to drive traffic to your business for years to come with consistent SEO efforts.

SEO provides both immediate and short-term results to help e-commerce businesses cope with the turbulent economic current of the COVID-19.

It doesn’t need to be planned ahead of time

The rapidly changing economic landscape is making businesses in New York lose money as they cut back on ad campaigns that were planned ahead of time. Since these plans couldn’t account for the unfrequented coronavirus outbreak, businesses are now driving resources from their marketing budgets to keep their primary business operations functional.

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One key strategic advantage of using SEO services is that to e-commerce business in New York don’t have to worry about the timing. This is because SEO is an inbound marketing channel that makes it easier for customers to find you. For instance, your SEO marketing efforts will continue to work in the background and bring your e-commerce business the much-needed leads and sales, even if they aren’t hyper-relevant.

While it’s true that SEO requires maintenance, it also has the ability to consistently perform in harsh economic conditions, and hence, is a low-risk investment compared to other marketing channels.

It offers scalability

Studies show that SEO is one of the highest ROI marketing channels for e-commerce businesses—and this holds especially true for tighter economic conditions. It makes your business discoverable to those that are already interested in your products—and the number of people interested is bound to increase now that people are more reliant on internet shopping during the lockdown.

The beauty of this strategic marketing tool is that your e-commerce business in New York can scale up your visitors from the search without paying a considerable premium to reach a broader target audience. Since most of the search traffic will go to the first page of your e-commerce website, it demonstrates just how important SEO services are in helping New York e-commerce businesses stay afloat in tumultuous times like these.

The Verdict?

SEO is a smart investment that will help fuel your business growth, even during uncertain economic times. With e-commerce businesses experiencing a weekly growth rate of 52 percent and an increase in conversion rates by 8.8 percent, SEO services can help you make the most of this situation without running your pockets dry.

About the Author

An SEO specialist for Search Berg, Joseph Dyson is a leading SEO expert who specializes in SEO services for New York, as well as cities and states all across the U.S. and beyond.

In addition to providing New York SEO services, Search Berg also offers New York SEO consultation services to help businesses grow.

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